Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Here you will find a culmination of things including tons of photos of my children, random thoughts on life and my journey to build a Photography business, sneak peeks for clients, and who knows what else :) I.LOVE.PHOTOGRAPHY.

I am a mostly self-taught Wedding and Portrait Photographer and I am always looking for new clients. I prefer on-location, natural light Photography and I am always looking to challenge myself! I recently relocated to Central Oregon and am available for photoshoots in any of the nearby areas. Please feel free to contact me if you like my work and are interested in scheduling a session with me! I would love to hear from you!

Grab some coffee and stay awhile :) And if you see an image you like, feel free to leave a comment...I love comments!

Friday, May 7, 2010


I haven't participated in a Fix It Friday in awhile...I was on vacation a few weeks ago and then forgot last week! I was excited this morning that I remembered to get up and get my edit on :) The little girl in this image is so adorable and I wanted to liven it up a bit by adding a vintage look, making her eyes stand out more and cropping it to create more interest.

Here is the original image:

Here is my edited version:
4586597904_acdf948c5b_b copy

What I did:
1. Adjusted the Levels to brighten the image
2. used Healing Brush on her face to cover blemishes and imperfections
3. Used the Dodge & Burn tools to make the eyes "pop"
4. Applied Coffeeshop's Perfect Portrait action
~color pop layer 26%
~brighten layer 33%
5. MCP's Burnt Edges 50%
6. Coffeeshop's Golden Vintage action
~Darken layer 23%
~Vintage layer 70%
7. Cropped image

There are so many other great edits over at i heart faces! Go check them out...


Christy May 7, 2010 at 11:22 AM  

the skin looks great. I love the edit! wonderful job!

Carrie @carrieloves May 8, 2010 at 6:06 AM  

Love your fixes - especially the eyes!